People are suffering outside their home country, but why?
I thought they left their countries to find greener pastures in a different country, but the reverse is the case. People are living below their formal standard of living in their home country in some countries that do not worth suffering for. We should set things right. People are suffering because of the Travel trap set by others.
Below are some of the many reasons people thought abroad is juicy, based on my interview conclusion and personal experience.
1. Fake information shared by the people living outside already (abroad).
2. Fake lifestyle of people attracts the innocent once thinking that things are really rosy out there.
3. Greedy agents that failed to tell the innocent the truth just because they want to make an income out of the people. Many people that became agents was once trapped by other agent, and they found it a very lucrative and very relaxing job selling travel information, they became a connecting dot between travel agencies or some recruiting agencies and people who want to travel. Why some people were sweat talk into it.
1. Threads (my friends left the country so I must.
2. Fake overseas employment. In some countries, the only way in is by employment, travel agencies will cut a deal with some company to provide a job offer and process a work permit for them, or set-up an off-site company themselves and offer people direct employment. This will allow them to employ as many as their license can allow, selling their employees quota millions of money, yes the employment is real but does not come with the actual real job. In this case, people who fall under this category will not have any knowledge of it until he/she arrives at the destination.
3. People abroad that failed to disclose what they are going through in the country they live in.
4. So many people thought traveling abroad is an achievement, yes it is but to an extent. It can only be an achievement if you make it.
5. People don’t have access to sufficient information regarding the country they are moving into which limits their travels decision.
This article is based on people’s experiences. Don’t get me wrong some people working abroad are making cool money and living fine but working abroad am very sure is not for all or benefiting most people, especially the skilled workers who are the majority.
Beware that, most people are living with psychological effects due to their unbearable experiences in a lust strange country they found themselves.
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